Monday, July 31, 2006

BEWARE: Lady bosses on board

Day in and day out we work. We work very hard. We work to make a living to pay the bills

I know its the oldest and lamest excuse but I'm still going to say it anyway. Haven't been blogging lately due to the fact that *deep breath*

I've been so consumed with work!!!

It's official. I'm a magnet for fucked up bosses. Don't get me wrong. I do like my job. I do like what I do. But the only thing I dislike....let me rephrase that...the only thing I FUCKING HATE about my job is my bitchy, sour faced, unfriendly, rude, arrogant, disrespectful, ass-kissin, spoiled brat boss of mine.

She's always so uptight as if there's an invisible needle up her anus. So it's either that or she just hates the pure presence of my being. She acts as if I owe her a living or murdered her whole family. I've basically shred blood and sweat for her and the thanks I've gotten?

Dear James,


We refer to your recent evaluation and wish to inform that your probationary period with us will be extended for another 3 months. You will be evaluated again on the 6th September 2006.

Thank you.

That's utter bullshit if you ask me. When they broke the news to me, I was FUMING! This is the first time in my life that I've gotten my probation extended and this is currently my third job. Well, there's no point dwelling in self pity. Just try harder for next 3 months, pouring my heart and soul into it. In situations like this, I also told myself that I'm not going to blatantly work myself to the bone. I also need to craft up a contingency plan in the event things take the turn for the worse. So I guess it's time to start looking at the classifieds and job hunting websites like jobstreet.

The hound dog is going to work. He is going to work. He is out there.