Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Step 1: Resigning

Human life is everywhere a state in which much is to be endured and little to be enjoyed.

The past two months has been crazy for me. First things first, after all the ranting, I've decided that enough is enough so I finally tendered in my resignation and quit my job. Let me remind you during that time, I didn't have any solid backup plan of what so ever. It was more of a leap of faith.

I tendered in my resignation on a Friday and decided to give a weeks' notice which I believed was more than fair for the agency as I wasn't officially a confirmed staff...Well technically (which I later found out after I threw in my resignation letter that I was actually confirmed BUT the letter was suppose to arrive the following Monday). After much persuasion from ex-BigBoss:

ex-BigBoss: I've gotten your letter. I'm sorry to see you leave. To tell you the truth, you're actually confirmed. Your confirmation letter is being printed and will be ready this coming Monday.

Me: Oh really? Guess I must be a step ahead.

ex-BigBoss: Are you resigning because of SmallBoss?

Me: *coverline* eerr eerr no no no...Don't get me wrong. It really has nothing to do with her. As you've already heard, I've actually secured a job interview in London. I mean I can't forgo an opportunity like this which hardly comes by. I've already declined a job offer before in Australia last year. I can't do it again.

ex-BigBoss: Ok how bout this. Why don't you take a break and head for London. Sort out your job interview there. Your interview is in two weeks time right?Take two weeks off then. I mean in the event that if it doesn't work out, you can come back and work for us. Don't have to throw in your resignation letter just yet. The thing is that I want to evaluate you myself when SmallBoss go for her maternity leave in October.

Me: But I feel it won't be fair for you and the agency. It'll be very selfish of me to do just that. I can't be holding you and the agency for ransom so that I can have a safety net. *scores brownie points!*

ex-BigBoss: Hhhhmmm.....I understand. Is there anything I can do to make you stay?

Me: Unfortunately, I've already made up my mind. I'm quite adamant with my decision. Really sorry.

ex-BigBoss: Well, guess there's nothing much I can do but to wish you all the best and success in all your endeavors. I really do hope you'll get the job that you've been waiting for. Do come back and pay us (the agency) a visit.

Me: Thank you very much. I really do hope I get it. Thank you very much for all that you've done for me too and all that you've taught me. This decision was really really hard for me. The people in this agency are like family. I'll definitely miss you all.

Well, that's that. Next thing to do is to leave the agency on good terms. What better way than leaving a good impression prior to my departure?

Be responsible and be accountable for what you do

Those were the wise words my old man instilled into me since I was a young lad and I
TRY to live by that motto. Well, in that week, I rushed to finish up all the jobs that was put under my care and made sure that I had nothing left on my plate.

On Wednesday (2 days to my last day), ex-SmallBoss called me into her office. She asked me to stay and help her out till the next Wednesday. As a gesture of goodwill, I ardently agreed, hoping to leave a mark on her.

How stupid of me. I was naive enough to fathom the notion "The good deed you do today, will come back to you some day, for humanity's a circle in deed" and "There is only one way of not hating those who do us wrong, and that is by doing them good". You know why?After all the slogging and sacrifice for ex-SmallBoss, this were her parting words to me:

"Ok.....If anything goes wrong, you're gonna expect calls from me"

-_-' What happened to the good old "Thanks for everything" or "Good luck in your future endeavors"?ma ge chow hai...Who do I look like to her?A slave working in the cotton fields?!?!?Ungrateful I tell you! Everytime there was an outing with the clients, I always end up going with my colleague while ex-SmallBoss FFK us. I had to whore myself (well not literally but I had to flirt with them or play along with their advancement) to the female clients especially to this stupid married lady who tried to get me into the sack with her!!Everytime I had to meet her for work, she'll tell me that I am good looking and that she would like to take me out. The worst part is that she literally asked my colleague how potent I was and their opinion on how I would perform in bed!!

I shall spare the details. Back to the subject. I'm quite glad that I finally chose this decision. I can bet that I won't even be working with her again or anywhere near her since I sure ain't going back into the advertising industry. Torrid experience....the horrorrrrrrrrrr

P/S: She doesn't smile but frowns a lot. She also emit a kind of unfriendiness and bitchiness to the people around her which causes many to find her repulsive, distasteful and loathsome. Hence the sour face. Trust me. I've received complains bout her from clients and colleages alike.