Cold Hard Bitch
Romance is dead, hence bitterness is born
Finally I'm back into blogging after a span of over a month. Been really busy with things especially my new job. Yes I know. I'm married to my job -_-'. So much has happened, so much to write. I don't even know where to start!
Recently I've made a trip back to the land down under ala Sydney. The place where I spent the last four years of my life (FYI, it was Perth and not Sydney but what the heck...its still Australia). Going back to Australia was really nostalgic and it brought back sweet memories. I miss the laid back culture; the weather; the lifestyle; the independence; the diverse culture; the public transport efficiency; the wages per capita; the parks; the shopping to name a few. Basically I miss working and living in Australia. Then it strucked me. What an imbecile I was to give up something I actually wanted for myself. Well all is not lost. There's still chance of assimilating back into the Aussie lifestyle and workforce. My last glimmer of hope:

As you can see above, I received this msg from "her" bout 2 weeks ago. Initially curiousity roamed my mind. Knowing her, she's not those kind who would give a flying fuck concerning her exes. Because of that, you can't blame me for being curious right?Thats beside the point. I mean I haven't spoken or seen her since last year and suddenly *BOOM* a message from her. Well, after reading the message, my whole mood changed. If its her idea of a joke, it's not funny. If its her idea of hurting me, its not painful. If she thinks I would still yield to her demands, I'm not her dog. To be honest, I don't feel jack shit. I don't hate her nor habour any feelings for her.
In actual fact, I didn't even realised that OUR pictures were still posted up on my frienster profile. I have other better and productive things to do with my time rather than constantly updating my friendster profile. I also didn't fathom her to be someone so school-yard-ish about it anyway. Some of my friends suggested that I should just pick out more photos I have of US and flood it on my frienster profile. That would have been hilarious!!At the end of the day, its not worth it. No point getting worked up over nothing. I know for a fact that it wouldn't affect her one bit. As far as I know, she's seriously the COLDEST and MEANEST bitch I've ever come across. If anyone out there who wants to take lessons in being strong enough to leave your BF and stay cold enough to be remain that way, I would strongly recommend her. Results guaranteed.
That's all the time I have for now. A long day ahead tomorrow. Will post up the pics I took from Sydney soon and stay tune for more of my never ending workplace trials and tribulations.
P/S: The pics in my frienster profile are staying. Don't get my wrong. The reason I'm letting it be is because I reckon I looked good in them and not for sentimental shit reasons. Firstly, they are pictures of US and not YOU alone you fucking dumb cunt. Secondly, the last thing I need is another cocked eye girl to ruin nice takes of me.
Finally I'm back into blogging after a span of over a month. Been really busy with things especially my new job. Yes I know. I'm married to my job -_-'. So much has happened, so much to write. I don't even know where to start!
Recently I've made a trip back to the land down under ala Sydney. The place where I spent the last four years of my life (FYI, it was Perth and not Sydney but what the heck...its still Australia). Going back to Australia was really nostalgic and it brought back sweet memories. I miss the laid back culture; the weather; the lifestyle; the independence; the diverse culture; the public transport efficiency; the wages per capita; the parks; the shopping to name a few. Basically I miss working and living in Australia. Then it strucked me. What an imbecile I was to give up something I actually wanted for myself. Well all is not lost. There's still chance of assimilating back into the Aussie lifestyle and workforce. My last glimmer of hope:
- Male seeking for woman over the age of 18 (not by too much) with Australian PR wanted for business arrange marriage
- Willing to be mail order groom
- Look's don't matter much, just provide paper bag
- Housekeeping available
- Willing to bake cakes while spouse at work
- And *BONUS* - willing to go down for status
All this for FOC. Call 1-800-orderme for more information

As you can see above, I received this msg from "her" bout 2 weeks ago. Initially curiousity roamed my mind. Knowing her, she's not those kind who would give a flying fuck concerning her exes. Because of that, you can't blame me for being curious right?Thats beside the point. I mean I haven't spoken or seen her since last year and suddenly *BOOM* a message from her. Well, after reading the message, my whole mood changed. If its her idea of a joke, it's not funny. If its her idea of hurting me, its not painful. If she thinks I would still yield to her demands, I'm not her dog. To be honest, I don't feel jack shit. I don't hate her nor habour any feelings for her.
In actual fact, I didn't even realised that OUR pictures were still posted up on my frienster profile. I have other better and productive things to do with my time rather than constantly updating my friendster profile. I also didn't fathom her to be someone so school-yard-ish about it anyway. Some of my friends suggested that I should just pick out more photos I have of US and flood it on my frienster profile. That would have been hilarious!!At the end of the day, its not worth it. No point getting worked up over nothing. I know for a fact that it wouldn't affect her one bit. As far as I know, she's seriously the COLDEST and MEANEST bitch I've ever come across. If anyone out there who wants to take lessons in being strong enough to leave your BF and stay cold enough to be remain that way, I would strongly recommend her. Results guaranteed.
That's all the time I have for now. A long day ahead tomorrow. Will post up the pics I took from Sydney soon and stay tune for more of my never ending workplace trials and tribulations.
P/S: The pics in my frienster profile are staying. Don't get my wrong. The reason I'm letting it be is because I reckon I looked good in them and not for sentimental shit reasons. Firstly, they are pictures of US and not YOU alone you fucking dumb cunt. Secondly, the last thing I need is another cocked eye girl to ruin nice takes of me.