Monday, February 27, 2006

Goodbye and farewell!

Yet Again, It has been proven to me, that no matter what...I will always be considered the exspendable person

Recently, things have been looking up for me (sort of in a way). Last Friday I went in for a second interview with an advertising agency. After the interview, on the spot, he said this to me:

James, I like you very much and I want to hire you.

To hearing the offer, I had a face that exuded joy and relieve. Finally I'm getting out of that stupid shit hole I've been in for the past 3 months. Despite the fact that I'll be getting a pay cut and a demotion if I choose this job, it didn't bother me that much. Monetary factors are not the only element that motivates me although I would be called a liar if I said no. Besides that, my career path will suffer a setback due to the fact I'm starting from scratch (considering I'm taking a bold move in changing to a whole new industry) and I'm already 25 years old this year. To me, job satisfaction involves:
  1. Workplace culture
  2. Scope of work
  3. Dynamic colleagues
  4. Company synergy
I want a job where I can wake up every morning feeling enthusiastic about going to work. Hopefully I made the right choice in making a switch to all whole new industry. I'm going to tender in my resignation this Tuesday and I've decided to give a week notice before leaving (since I'm not confirmed yet). For this whole week, I'm going to be showing some attitude for screwing me over.

Now I can say good riddance to my current pathetic company. Good riddance to my badly managed company. Good riddance to my sly and sneaky boss. Good riddance to bad food. Good riddance to MC infested Cyberjaya!!I was warned that this job I'm taking is going to be hectic as well. I'm going to work around the clock with no time for girls or social life which is fine by me. It might be a good thing for me. Knowing myself, if I have too much time on my hands, my mind will start enticing for trouble, wandering into unwanted territory.

Looking back at the past 6 months, it really has been a journey of perseverance, soul searching, heart wrenching and depression. Guess its just parts and parcel of a post-relationship process. At the end of the day, I concluded that she's not worth a second shot. No girl is worth a second shot. I find that the person who most deserve the best is myself.

I must have mistaken her for somebody else. Somebody who gave a damn. Somebody more like myself.

I realised that the only person who actually gave a damn was myself. How stupid of me. I was playing those foolish games all along. Lesson that I've learnt?A losing battle is a battle not worth fighting for. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

True love is like Santa, you grow up believing in it then find out it just doesn't exist.

P/S: I know I'm bitter as hell. Women are a waste of time and a waste of energy. The emotional rollercoasters are not worth it.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Romance is dead

We fall in love when our imagination projects nonexistent perfection upon another person. One day, the fantasy evaporates and with it, love dies

Valentine's day is just around the corner. Its time of the year where fancy eateries/fine dining hike their prices up. Florist and gift shops jack up prices. Valentine's day is just another day where commercial businesses can take the opportunity to make a quick buck. Prices of flowers i.e roses goes as high as 3-4 times than its normal price. Its just ridiculous. Nevertheless, I'm quite tempted to order a bouquet of flowers to be sent to her office (got a feeling I'm gonna get a lot of scolding for this!).

During this time of the year, people will be racing to find that PERFECT gift for their loved ones. Then the question "what is the perfect gift?" pop into my head. For kicks, I embarked on a quest to find THAT perfect gift. After countless hours of searching, I finally came to a conclusion that there is no such thing as the perfect gift. By my standards this monopoly set is by far the BEST valentine's day gift any bitter person (people like me!) should receive.

I guess valentine's day would be special if you have some one to share it with. For me, its just another day I'll be dreading. Watching all those advertisements promoting "valentines day specials" just don't quite cut it for me. Most of my friends know that I'm going through a bad period at the moment but then I still get questions like:

"Hey...what are your plans for valentine's day?"

I mean how ignorant can some people be?Even after knowing that I'm still in the shit hole, they still have the heart to ask me that question. What would a heart broken single guy do on valentine's day?Let me tell you


In my opinion, valentine's day is just another business opportunity stirred up by commercial entities for business reasons. Let me give you a brief history on how this so-called a day of romance came about. Legend has it that valentine's day was celebrated in the name of a priest named Valentine who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II (the emperor of Rome that time) decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, so he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

The real meaning of valentine's day has been tainted and deviated from what it SHOULD be. Therefore, valentine's day is stupid, commercial, meaningless and overrated. The true meaning of valentine's day is dead.

P/S: Notice that the letter "v" in each of the word "valentine's" isn't in capital letter?Its because I have lost respect for the meaning of today's valentine's day.

Disclaimer: This entry is based solely on my own personal opinion. For those who are a true believer of today's meaning of valentine's day, I totally respect your choice and know that I don't hate nor discriminate people who wants to pamper their loved ones on this special occasion. By all means, go ahead and have a great time and a romantic evening. Cheers!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Chinese New Year

A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts

Chinese New Year is here. Bring on the mahjong tables. Bring on the good food. Bring on the angpows. Bring on the red attire. Bring on the yee sang. That's what CNY is all about isn't it? For me, I had to go back to me old man's hometown in Ipoh. The jam was quite horrible. Normally it would take an average of 2 hours to reach Ipoh but I've been on the road for 4 hours?!?Anyhow it didn't really matter much since I slept the whole way through

Besides the good food and the beautiful women, Ipoh has nothing really to shout about. There's practically nothing to do there. After the reunion dinner, my Ipoh cousins took me to this club, supposedly the most happening club in Ipoh called Y2K. Yes I know the name sounds a bit dodgy and the name says it all. The setting of the club seems alright but the patrons there are one hell of a rowdy crowd. Imagine I went inside with shorts and slippers!It feels like I'm stepping into Rush!!NO offence but Rush is quite dodgy, in my opinion. It was like a time bomb waiting to explode. True enough, I was there 2 nights in a row and 2 nights I witness fights. But one thing I have to admit

DAMN!!!Ipoh really DO have a lot of fine chicks. The only slack?crude, vulgar and "la la"....what a waste

This CNY had been quite a wild one. Haven't been really sober for this whole week!As I'm writing this posting, I'm quite drunk. Guess I write better when I'm in that state.

I remember my CNY last year like it was yesterday. I was celebrating it in Australia with my family who came over. It was my first time celebrating CNY away from home and it was also the first time my family met her. She would follow me to all my family dinners and family outings. I can't believe it happened a year ago!It really felt like all these happened only yesterday.

It seems only yesterday I used to believe