Tuesday, September 13, 2005

When love and hate collide

It has been four days since I last spoke to her...my feelings and emotions have morphed into hatred and anger....that last faithful night when we spoke, we didn't finish what we were discussing about...she told me she was feeling tired and she wanted to sleep so I took her word for it and left to the next day to sort it out

That was four fucking days ago...she didn't call me at all....not only that, she even blocked me on her MSN list just to avoid me...I bet if i called her, she either will hang up or she'll just let it ring....what a fucking prick!a fucking selfish cunt who only thinks about herself and nobody else....not only that, she's also a fucking coward who doesn't want to own up to the things she has done...instead, she hid and ran away from it....I bet she doesn't have any sense of guilt lingering over her...then I remembered one thing she told me last time..."Don't be like that....its up to yourself"....one of my mate whom I mentioned in one of my previous postings revealed that she still feels very guilty bout what she has done...she haven't forgiven herself even until today...for the past 2 years!fucking cold hearted bitch...left me alone to rot...she didn't even care how I was feeling or how I was coping with the breakup

When we were together, she would always complaint to me bout her former best friend whom she says is a "user" of people with wealth....now that I look at it, she and her former best friend are two of the same kind...only difference is that they prey on different people...as mentioned, the former would pray on people with wealth...as for her, she would pray on innocent people whom she knows who are willing to give her anything including their own lifes....basically nice guys who would sacrifice anything for her

Whilst we were still studying, she didn't have any close friends as they were all back in her home country....she needed a person close to her...a person who can be her companion...and this was were I came in...she tricked me into believing that she really did love and care for me...used me for her own selfish gains...I was disposable and expandable to her....that was the case when she found there was no need for me when she came back to all her friends in her home country...I was thrown out just like that...like old newspaper...she had a lot to lose if things were to go wrong back there....she didn't like me hanging out with my girl friends..there was this one incident...we were planning to go for holidays either to Melbourne or Sydney and I suggested why not to both states?the price different wasn't that significant..just a couple of tens of dollars...she didn't like the idea because if we were to go Melbourne, we would have to bunk in one of my mate's place who happened to be a girl....we ended up going to sydney and we bunked in my brother's place which was acceptable to her...what the fuck??

She also stated that one of her reasons of breaking up is because she was dependant on me and she didn't like it....but eexxccuussee mmmee...is it my fucking fault that you turned out that fucking way?I didn't force her to become dependant on me...she chose to become like that...and now she's blaming it on me indirectly....not only that, another issue that she mentioned was that she lacked the space and privacy that she desperately needed...what the fuck??when I go out with my friends, she would always give me that pathetic look indicating that she's not happy that I went out with them and that she wanted me to stay home with her...if she wants to go out on her own, by all means do it!but nnnNNnooOo...she ALWAYS have to drag me along eventhough I don't want to go....she's just to narrow minded and too proud to see the bigger picture....the picture that she herself painted...she just couldn't accept the fact that she brought it upon herself...so to ease her pride and ego, I was made the scapegoat

She can run but she can't hide forever....I believe that karma will come back and bite her right in the ass so hard, watching her fall from grace would be a pleasure...you can expect me in the front row seat for that matter...wouldn't want to miss the best part of the show...do not do onto others, what you don't want to be done onto you


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