Thursday, September 22, 2005

The reason to let go

I wanted to break his face too for stealing her heart away from me ... but I have come to realize that it was the situation; not me. Things change and it's all for a reason... If she was the one, then nothing in this world can change how she feels about me

The quote above was a piece of advice a good mate of mine gave me..I've finally realised that there's no point hating her cos its not her fault...things happened for a was the situation that was the culprit and not me..I spoke to her last night and she finally gave me the reasons..the main reason was that she didn't have her privacy when we co-habitated...I understand that she's the kind of girl that yearns for privacy but there's nothing much I can do given the circumstances we were in..that brings me to another matter..she lacks commitment...I guess co-habitating was more then what she's willing to commit to in this relationship..thirdly, being the independant girl she is, she did not like the person she turned into when she was with me...she claimed that she was dependant on me which was something she didn't like...all in all, she wasn't happy when she was with me given the situation that we had to endure..when she came back, her feelings for me a force of nature her love faded with the stars at dawn

She's everywhere I go...whether I'm conscious or asleep...she's everywhere...last night, again I had a dream...I dream that I was holding her hand while we were walking pass a the dream, I was feeling like the happiest man in the world...the joy and the feeling of relieve I felt was so overwhelming, it seemed so all went great until I woke up just to realise that it was just a dream...even in my dreams she haunts me..I wish that she would just leave cause her presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone...even the bottle is deserting use to help last time but as of late, it makes me more aggressive and makes me even more depress

Everyone tells me I should forget about her, including herself, she doesn't deserve me. They're right, she doesn't deserve me, but I deserve her....people need loving the most when they deserve it the least...when she loved me, everything was beautiful...every hour we spent together, lives in my heart


Blogger arboon! said...

looks like we're on the same boat eh?!

the price i paid, will haunt me for the rest of my life...

2:12 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

we are on the same boat....just that the reason we're on this boat is different...take it easy bro...I know its hard cos you really regretted what you've done...I know you're in a state of confusion just like me...and because of the suffering that you're going thru now, you sure won't repeat the same mistake again...I really admire that you own up to have you've done and that really takes a lot of shows that you really wanted the relationship to work out...just take it easy for the time being...give her sometime off...its not easy for her as it is for you...she needs to grasp the whole situation that had happen...if fate decides to wield his wand at your direction then it is meant to be....that means she has learn to forgive and forget...however, she might never come to terms with the whole situation..don't wait for'll only hurt you even more

Most importantly, give yourself heaps of time...put away everything that reminds you of her brave and be is not the time to try to get her back...sometimes it would even make matters worse...worst case scenario is that both of you might not even be friends...after you've sailed past this rough water which means you're over this phase of depression, heartbreak, etc etc and you feel that you still have feelings for, then that is the time you can try getting her back

4:29 AM  

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