Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I've been tagged

This is for you Su!Accept the fact that you're becoming a blogwhore -_-' slowly coming out from the closet aye?

Four jobs I have had in my life:
  1. An animal
  2. A hassling photoshop editor
  3. A substance abuser
  4. Being myself (Longest I've held)

Four nicknames I've been given:

  1. Jeegit
  2. Chikotek
  3. Cheekit tek
  4. Animal *RRoOoAaArRr*

Four movies I would watch over and over:

  1. Snatch
  2. Lock, stock and two smoking barrels
  3. Any Chow Seng Chi movies
  4. My sassy girl

Four places I have lived:

  1. Damansara Jaya(Only place I lived in M'sia)
  2. Doubleview (Perth)
  3. Mosman Park (Perth AGAIN)
  4. Victoria Park (Perth AGAIN & AGAIN)

Four TV shows I love to watch:

  1. Bleach
  2. Prison Break
  3. Gensomaden Sayuki
  4. Bold and the beautiful

Four places I have been on vacation:

  1. Sydney
  2. Singapore
  3. Port Dickson
  4. I hate travelling

Four things I could NOT live without:

  1. My buds (You'll know who you are)
  2. Computer
  3. Internet
  4. Reality (Proof of our existence)

Four of my favorite foods:

  1. Kam San mix rice
  2. Klang Ba kut teh
  3. Nasi kandar Kayu
  4. Dengkil Hakka mee

Four places I would rather be right now:

  1. A place in my head
  2. Somewhere over the rainbow
  3. The place where my heart is
  4. 6 feet under

Four friends who I have tagged that I think will respond

  1. Looney
  2. YC
  3. Arboon
  4. Aiyah basically anyone who wants to FI. By all means go ahead and do it and say I tagged you

Enough said..........................time to sleep ZzZzZzZzzZ


Blogger arboon! said...

bold and the beautiful?!?!


3:56 PM  
Blogger JJ said...

arboon beat me to it... but then again... *bold and the beautiful???*


Soz, awake WORKIN at an odd hour & dropped by to spy... *bold & the beautiful* ...aiyoh... (smacks forehead) ...thanks, thanks, thanks 4 the grin =)

Cheers, man!

2:55 AM  
Blogger su-ann said...

yeah you're right dude... i think i am a blogwhore ;p

bold and the beautiful!??!?!?! huahahaha :) girlie-emo


7:58 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...I know its lame ok but you guys actually BELIEVE I really watch that crap?I don't think so and yes Su...welcome to the world of blog whoring

1:16 AM  
Blogger ej. said...

oh-oh emo............. are you sure u watch that lame ass soap?? fuck dude.. it's damn gao BORING LOH!!!!

10:51 AM  
Blogger su-ann said...

yes i'd believe you'd watch it!! you're so kehpoh(don't pretend you're not) .. i know you secretly luuurrrve soapies ;p hee hee...

3:03 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Deviant: HAHAHAHHAHA....damn kow drama those damn American and Aussie soapies like bold & the beautiful, passions, neighbours, etc etc...I wonder can I apply some of those dramas real life...HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Su: HAHAHAHAHAHHA....I do like soapies but chinese soapies!double the drama of those stupid American and Aussie dramas =P

2:36 PM  
Blogger YC said...


ur emo-ness is damn tvb canto soapies d la.

why watch it on TV when u have it L-I-V-E?

1:48 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

HAHAHAHAAHHA....you know something?You are one of them who's starring in my live canto soapie =P You're one of them who adds drama into my life.

3:15 PM  
Blogger YC said...

eh. speak for yourself. who's the one who's always *roar*ing?

besides getting utterly drunk, passing out in your car quietly, hassling u a bit here n there and making you walk me up when too gone then slamming the door in your face, i'm usually unnoticable.

9:53 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

AHAHAHHAAHHA...both *RRrRooOAaArRr* equally as much. We ain't emo and drama partners for nothing right?

Getting pinched in the butt, molested by white strangers...yeah I guess you're pretty much unnoticable aye? ;-)

word veri: ugfixlhp


11:06 PM  

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