Monday, December 12, 2005

Intoxication condition

All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams

The night before last, I thought I was totally wasted but last night brought a new meaning to being wasted. Was in Poppi/Passion when I bumped into 2 groups of old uni mates and that was it. Last night was just sheer maddness. Drinking from one table to the next. The people from the first table were more subtle and controlled. Moving on to the next table. The people there were more barbaric and lacked traction control. Of course, these people will try to instigate or fuel you so that you'll lose it for that spur of the moment and act randomly or irrationally with statements like:

  • I don't care!You must drink with me since I haven't seen you in a while
  • Woi housemate!don't embarrass me! -_-'
  • I don't care. You're gonna finish it cos I didn't see you drink

The result?I got so fucking wasted by the end of the night. Thankfully I had some friends whom I could count on when I couldn't even help myself.

  • Thanks Jay Mee for taking care of me when we were outside
  • Thanks Aaron for leading me back to the car (because of that I shall spare you the humiliation of posting up Apple's pic)

I woke up with a fucking bad hangover. No splitting headaches though but feel like I was still drunk from last night. People say that the cure for a hangover would be to have more drinks. I was pissed drunk on Friday night and was still suffering from a hangover when I was in Passion. And the outcome? FUCKING pissed drunk. *sigh*. Blur and lethargic, I lazed around the house aimlessly. I was feeling so out that I declined all invites to go out. Hibernate at home the whole day.

Few nights ago, I had an emotionally disturbing dream that threw myself back into the state of depression. The vivid dream showcased me and her in it, KISSING!The first touch of our lips felt awkward but the subsequent ones felt so real. So real till I could feel something warm touching my lips. Once the kissing stopped, she asked me "why do you hate me so much?" I forced myself to wake up to avoid further destruction being inflicted. When I woke up, I was feeling so confused. I don't know what to feel any more. If I could just ask God one question:


James Oh

A dream has power to poison sleep


Blogger benalog said...

haha, JEEGIDEK, time for u to go back to church? no? ikut allenkor la...last week he went whut...

7:18 PM  
Blogger arboon! said...


allenkor had fruit salad again?!


11:31 AM  
Blogger ej. said...

wah.... allun kor went to church ar!?!??! AHHAHAHahhaha!! he took my advice about picking up chicks at holy worship! HAAKAkakaka!!!

12:10 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Benalog: when it comes to church, me and allenkor caused havoc in 1 church camp to the extend the pastor called us the devil. Don't believe?go ask him..WAHAHAHAHHAH

Arboon: I've got photo evidence that'll incriminate him!MUAHAHHAHA.....

12:16 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Deviant: nnnooo way wouldn't wanna date a super duper hardcore christian girl me on this one

1:59 AM  
Blogger ej. said...

who cares man! as long as they put out, i think allun kor wouldn't; mind! ! ! !! !

1:10 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

WAHAHAHAHAH....allenkor wouldn't even mind oyster girls..he claimed that he was just being nice and check out his new friendster pics...VERY incriminating..MUAHAHAHA

1:01 AM  

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