Monday, January 16, 2006


The thinker dies, but his thoughts are beyond the reach of destruction. Men are mortal but their thoughts are immortal

I've been pretty caught up with heaps of things lately. Firstly since Chinese New Year is around the corner, so work just keeps on piling up. Secondly, my younger brother just finished his studies and got back from Australia so been busy spending time with him as he's going to leave to Europe this coming Friday to do some survey and research on post-graduate studies there.

The last weekend was quite slow and quiet for me, besides the fact that last Friday I was half drunk from attending a birthday dinner with heaps of wine at Opus (Bangsar), a short mini gethering with old Perth-ling friends (TSB) and a farewell party filled with heaps of beer and liquor (Bar Flam)!That night was just very nostalgic as I met up and catch up with friends whom I haven't seen in ages!This is what they had to say to me:
  • OMG!What happen to you?Why so macho now (Refering to my facial hair)?What happened to the cute-cute little boy look back in high school! -_-'
  • We were just talking bout you during NYE. L **** (her name) asked bout you and she was wondering how you would look like now. I had a pic of you in my HP so I showed it to her. (The pic was taken end 2002)
  • Wow!You lost a lot of weight!
Went home early though. We (me and my brother) had to go down to Ipoh the next day (under me old man's orders). Haven't seen our grandmotherS (with a "S") since we got back so its high time we pay them a visit. Since I broke up, I would ideally prefer to avoid my relatives, especially the older ones. You know the thing bout relatives is that they can't believe that you've all grown up and working. Then they start showing interest in your pre-quarter life by asking you bout your job. And comes the question I've been dreading to hear, let alone answer (The reason I hate confronting them in my current emotional state):

"So do you have a girlfriend?" OR "Dating/seeing anyone?"

Looking back, I've been indulging in a lot of things that I wouldn't be proud of until recently I've decided to opt for a more subtle lifestyle. I have to stop all these nonsense. I feel its not doing me any good plus the fact that these foreign substances amplifies my depression to a different level. Paranoia and depression overwhelms, fear and anxiety consumes, sanity and reality crumbling. Almost everything I see, touch or feel with my five senses reminds me of her or somehow relates to her, even trivial things. Times when my thoughts drift into blank space, I've developed a habit of talking to myself. To makes matters worse, my dreams of her has been going on a daily basis. Its getting more chronic. I'm trying very hard to get my act back together. I've joined the gym at 1 Utama and I've started looking for other jobs which I feel would really suit me. In fact, I've gone for an interview last Thursday! I was told that according to the chinese horoscope, people in the year of the Rooster will enjoy good luck by abundance this new year*. Keeping my fingers crossed.......
*The year of the dog only takes effect after CNY according to the chinese lunar calendar


Blogger arboon! said...

year of the dog starts on the 4th of february, which is also the start of the SOLAR calendar. so i guess there's some free time in between the transaction. i wonder who owns that slot...

on your substance abuse, i didnt know u're that hardcore man... hahahaha... but yeah, go slow on the intake dude...

and how was ur trip down ipoh?!

5:40 PM  
Blogger ej. said...

hahahahah! family family.. i love family... especially when they keep questioning you about your motives on cutting school/getting inked/ being rude.. yada yada yada.. but i guess my days with that are over... haven't even seen a relative in 2 years... fuck that shit dude.. this is depressing.. hahaha.. maybe i need some xanex like you..

4:46 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Arboon: Imagine if we could own that slot and alter our luck!woot!I'm actually not that hardcore on those substances but more on the alco side though!Ipoh?The food was good but the weather there was DAMN hot. The chicks are good but only one slack part. Their dressing is jang to a whole different level man. And they speak with such profanity PLUS the fact they speak with the utmost jang voice!Trust me. I went to hell and came back.

Looney: Yeah dude. My bro got so much shit from my relatives for his piercings. Can't blame them either too cos they probably grew up in the conservative era. Dude!According to my mom, you can get addicted to Xanax cos it contains some addictive shit!But no dramas..I'll just ask her which drug is safe and gives the best effect =P Me and my bro hassling her to give us some anti-depressants...HAHAHAHAHAHH

10:33 AM  
Blogger arboon! said...

can u score some for me?!?!

10:54 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Sharing is caring man!No worries...Word on the streets that there's something going down in Riana Green, Tropicana ;-)

11:13 AM  
Blogger benalog said...

i know one guy, went to the doctor, took a test on depression ( obviously u answer those questions "accordingly" like " have u thought of killing urself?" then get some happy pill from the doc. Better still, if u have a company med card, its on the house! woot...

12:54 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Sounds like a good idea but unfortunately, my company is a china man company so my med not covered. *sigh* oh well looks like I have to hassle my mom to get me some =P woot woot...happy 5 anymore?

5:55 PM  
Blogger arboon! said...

woooooooooo scripting!!!

9:21 AM  
Blogger PinkBunny said...

Hey... I TOTALLY get that whole "everything reminds you" of her deal. I went through that too a while ago. It's different now because I actually have to see my ex... let me tell you, NOT seeing is way better. It gets so confusing. And, weirdly, I haven't stopped talking to myself. So when he talks to me, I'm there muttering to myself on the side. It's wacky.

And the relatives thing? Mine keeps asking me when I'm getting married!!! I don't even have a boyfriend! I can't believe they're getting worried. I'm still in my early 20's. Geez.

Be cool to get anti-depressants. I'll see how it affects you first. ^.^

3:45 AM  
Blogger YC said...

my emOH!! Waaaaaaaah emo again! *ROAR*

I'm gonna get some happy pills from my comp. doctor tmr. we can share em then.

grandmotherS in greentown. how dope!

11:11 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Pinkbunny: I guess you're right in a way. If she didn't do what she did, I would still be very confuse. Now my random talking to myself thing is getting quite apparent to the extend my friends reckons (they weren't joking) that I'm suffering from schizophrenia!

Guess our relatives grew up in the era where they were made to believe that the ripe age to get married is around this age!I'm not getting any younger and the things they say sometimes pressure me.*sigh*

My mom knows that I'm suffering from insomnia due to my depression and is on the verge on allowing me to take anti-depressants. What she doesn't know is that I'm already taking them!HAHAHAHAHHAH

YC: Sharing is caring!woot!don't always marry your work. I also never see you already. Nobody to *RRroOoAaaRrRr* to already

12:47 AM  
Blogger benalog said...

jeegidek can ROAR to your new underaged female friend what....

12:08 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

what underage girl?I haven't seen her in like agesss thought....don't know what happened to her...Ham Chin Ben...I not interested in getting another GF kerana Mengapa Harus Cinta

9:42 AM  
Blogger ej. said...

what do you and matt have to be depressed about? you're both out of college and have jobs! or at least you do. hahahahah.. but i'm sure your bro has so many jobs lined up he can hardly fart. :P

3:14 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

I DO have a job. A job that I was forced to take and not being happy with it!It only adds up to my already pathetic life!aarrgghhh hope this new year will bring some joy and good news. My bro?He's the least of my worries!!!He got his career all planned out as if he got like a 10 year plan!

5:25 AM  

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