Thursday, December 29, 2005

Not meant to be

If two past lovers can remain friends its either they were never in love or they still are

The quote above does make a lot of sense. I know I'm recycling it but these past few days has opened up my preception and perseptive towards the subject of pre-breakup. I bumped into some old friends as well as made some new friends. Conversing with them did shed some light to this matter. The people whom I thought would have more exes actually have less than I expected. Some of them actually have less exes than I have! If that's the case, how come they can handle breakups better than I can?Frankly speaking, I handled my previous breakup before this one rather well. Furthermore I went out with my previous ex(the one before my immortal) for 3 years! But during that pre-breakup season, I wasn't this emo. I wasn't this depressed. I wasn't this wrecked. It didn't take me long before I got over her and just moved on but this time things were just different. Call me stupid, call me lame, crucify me, detest me or call me or do whatever you want to me but nothing will change the fact that I still have feelings for her as well as a glimpse hope of getting her back. There's a reason why I called her my immortal and the reason is because;

To the world I might be just one person, but she? She's the world to me

Could my immortal be my first true love? The love of my life?

I knew of this couple who broke up sometime around last year. So happen I knew both of them as two dfferent individuals instead of knowing them as a couple, if you catch my drift. That's beside the point. You see, eventhough they've broken up for quite sometime, both parties still have feelings for each other. The way I see it, they still have a glimpse of hope of getting back together. I swear I can see it in their eyes. Both parties are afraid to make the first move towards reconciliation. Not one of them is brave enough to do it.

I just don't understand. It has become a norm in society that once you breakup, you move on and never look back. But why is it different for married couples?Why would they take the trouble to salvage their relationship or save their marriage (i.e - Marriage Counselling)?If its for the sake of their children, that I understand. I'm referring to the context of childless couples. But why steady relationships can't have the same concept?Is because that its easier for people to just leave everything behind and run away?

Crazy is what crazy do, crazy in love, I'm a crazy fool


Blogger benalog said...

love 2005...jiao-ed...

1:08 PM  
Blogger YC said...

"Emo-est 2005 Award" goes to....*drum roll*...OH! Chee Kit!

11:31 PM  
Blogger arboon! said...


12:58 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Benalog: WAHAHAHHA Love 2005. Sound like some karat MC song like Isabella 2000

YC: thank you thank you *bow*...I couldn't have done it without your dramatic emo-ness. I like to dedicate this to my NEW friend. Hope you'll have a memorable NYE in cowboy town ala Green Town

ArBoon: I told my bro you into multilation shit!!HAHAHHA...u got he damn excited cos he thought he finally found a person with the same interest!MUAHHAHAHAH

6:12 PM  
Blogger PinkBunny said...

Hey I like your quote. Haven't had time to read through the rest of your blog yet, but anything "breakup" is interesting!

9:59 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Read your blog. Great blog you've got there!from what I've read, I reckon you're going through the same wars that I'm going through. Hope this NY have better things installed for you!At the mean time, take it easy ok?

12:07 AM  

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