Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sexual Harassment anyone?

The true snob never rests; there is always a higher goal to attain, and there are, by the same token, always more and more people to look down upon

I started my new job this week and it was fabulous. Eventhough the hours were long (I work ALMOST 12 hours everyday since I started and its only my first week!), I really enjoyed the experience. My boss was really nice and helpful. My mentor, a 29 year old LADY who thinks she's forever 21!(Sounds familiar YC?), led me and showed me all that needs to be learn hence I've learnt so much in a week than I did in a month in my previous company. Without a doubt and without fail, she'll really take the time and patience to teach me. I owe you one for that ;-) The only thing I'm still taking the time to get use to is the culture. You see, in most companies, sexual harassment is a big NO NO but my company seems to condone sexual harassment!The funny part is that the women in my company are the ones who're practicing it!The ratio of men to women in my company is 1:3(maybe a little exaggerated) and everyone seems to work long hours which means no time for social life. So I guess they are pretty much deprived of men. My first week there and I've got hassled by those women. *sigh*. Even my mentor loves to hassle me! But she said she can't get angry with me because I always take everything, good or bad, with a smile =)

Enough of that. Time to move on to more emo and dramatic stuff. After coming out from an almost perfect relationship which ended without a heart beat nor a reason, broadening my horizon by MEETING other girls was SUPPOSE to help me realise that there are much better girls out there besides her. But it seems that wasn't the case. I'm not trying to look for a one night stand nor looking for some one to replace her. I just want to make more friends, expand my network. Simple as that. But its a shame that some girls nowadays think they're fucking all that. I'm not condemning all girls are like that but they are some who are like that out there. But it seems like the more girls I meet, the more I think she's still one of the best in the market which heaps of my mates find arguable.

These girls think that they're fucking hot and that everyone wants to be affiliated with them but it real fact

  1. They're NOT hot
  2. Nobody gives a fucking rats ass bout them

Gggeeezzz I just can't stand all this shit. They can fuck off for all I care. I mean if they have a BF but they don't want to make more friends or they want to show attitude or want to be hostile to new people they meet in the name of loyalty, then they're being dumb cunts. It's the zone that seems oh-so familiar to me. I've been there and done that before. The result?Coming out last with your feelings shattered into million bits and pieces while using your very last ounce of whatever you have left to pick up those bits and pieces to start afresh.



Blogger YC said...

Did something happen to you in velvet last night that left you so bitter?

9:50 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Yes!You left early that night =`(

10:05 PM  
Blogger ej. said...

HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! damn bitch, the lady in the photo's looks like she could give a really good blow.. AHAKAKKAKAKAkak!!

i don't know where I heard this, I think from Kelvin, the more buck their teeth are, the better the blow job.. AHHahahahahA!

3:21 AM  
Blogger arboon! said...

wahahahahaaaaa...i thought the more buck the teeth, the higher the chances of biting ur dick off...kakakakakaka...

emoslut was as bitter at velvet alrite...the rage and fury running thru his veins...a bit more and he would've turned green!!!

word veri: idoju = i told you

10:17 AM  
Blogger su-ann said...

seriously dude... where the hell do u get ur wicked-arse pics?? hahaha...

if it makes u feel better...someone told me that a certain some we know once got snubbed by a 'model,' and he actually typed an sms saying 'you're not that hot' and shoved the phone in her face!! hahahahaha...

have a pretty day! :)

2:01 PM  
Blogger YC said...

I wasn't even going Velvet in the first place but decided to drop by ok after heineken green room session.

You yourself got snubbed don't la blame me.

"sila cucikan luka dengan air mata."

8:09 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Looney: Which Kelvin??Kai cheng's brother?mahem that fella damn sick wei!!imagine la...he compared his man boobs with 13 year old girls!!!

Arboon: HAHAHAHAH after a couple of drinks I was alright already...was having fun!You left so bro hopped to Zouk after you left!

Su-Ann: Where I get my pics?Through dedication and patience!HAHAHAHAH...tell who that fella is =D Ah Ken?Adrian?These are the only two ppl I reckon who are capable of such childish acts..HAAHHAHA

YC: Well technically (Your fav word) I didn't get snubbed. I just hate people who don't greet you properly during introduction as if I'm "not good enough" to be their friend (Not to say like I DAMN want to be their friend)

"I teaching you not to waste your food then you don't want to be my friend la?"

10:59 PM  
Blogger su-ann said...

huahaha.. nono it wasn't either of them! haha.. not nice to say names la ;p but i thought it was feckin childish and yet so amusing... hee hee

1:24 AM  
Blogger bert said...

the trick with girls who think they're all that is u gotta make them come to you, how is that u ask? lesson you another day la HAHAHAHA..

4:34 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Su-ann: HAHAAAHAHAHHAAH....or could it be Parker?But whoever that person is, I salute him for doing that....R-E-S-T-E-C-P!Well worst case scenario is that she'll tell all her other hot friends that the dude is being a jerk and hence diminishing his chance of getting it on with other hot girls within her circle of friends *grin*

Bert: What I said above correct or not?I'm gonna make you SssSoOo proud of me(your student)1 day!But lesson this week cancelled!Have to wait until next week PROVIDED you don't FFK like last week....HAHAHAHAHAHAH

9:13 PM  
Blogger su-ann said...

hahaha... no it wasn't him la! it happened back in kl.. in VELVET :D huahaha, yehp i thought it was hilarious, but his friend who told me was shuddering in shy-ness coz apparently the 'model' pretty much had the WTF reaction! it's feckin amusingly childish...

heheh better this weekend? ;p

11:28 AM  

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