Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The mark of the Beast?

When the Jews return to Zion / And a comet rips the sky / And the Holy Roman Empire rises, / Then You and I must die. / From the eternal sea he rises, / Creating armies on either shore, / Turning man against his brother / 'Til man exists no more

6-6-6...merely a curious number or could it mean our number is up?There's a devilishly odd nexus of theology, mathematics and commercialism on the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year. Many may be predicting doom on the Anti-Christ day which is today, 6/6/06. According to the Bible, the mark of 666 is the name of the beast mentioned in Chapter 13 of the Bible's Book of Revelation. The significance of the 666 number comes from the passage which warns calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person and the passage says the number is 666. Scary huh?Well look no further. I had the fright of my life when I saw this:

Don't blame me. I am after all a God fearing person.

After doing some research, I came to a conclusion that I should just ignore the date. Through my discovery, I've learnt that when Christianity took over the Roman calendar, in the 4th Century, the monk who compiled the dates got it wrong. We assume that Satan knows that the sixth day of the sixth month in 06 was in fact the 6th June 2002. Historians backdated to confirm the timeline of activities in 1582, and it was discovered the dating was four years out. The mistake had not been corrected and that going by the original dates, 6/6/06 had been four years ago!

It's already 6th June 2006 and I'm here blogging at this ungodly hour and I have work tomorrow. Time to sleep and close the case on this nonsense -_-' The emotional rollercoaster for nothing. Utterly bullshit. Still scared?Stand on your head and it'll be 999.

Revelation 13:18: Let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.


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