Thursday, October 20, 2005

It might have been.....

For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been'

I opened myself up and let it all out. I told her everything because I had no doubts but now I'm left with nothing because she didnt feel the same. All I have is a broken heart and I feel I'm the one to be blamed. I had the chance to turn things around for the better but instead things has taken its toll for the worse all due to my poor judgement clouded by ego and pride. If only I had been more understanding and more forgiving then we, I would not be stuck in this cruel and painful predicament. We would still be happy like old times.

I seriously don't know what's lurking in her mind. Whenever I mention anything about "us" she tends to deviate from the topic eventhough I had no intentions of discussing the "us" matter. The other day I told her that I'm willing to let it all go if she's happy with the way she is and the way things are at its current state. Her reply was "ok ok....I don't understand what you're trying to say...hahaha..I wanna go to bed now....I ttyl..nites"
Whenever I tell her how I feel and things like that, her reply would be only "ok ok". I don't want to bombard her with my personal issues anymore. I know it'll only push her further away from me that's why I've stopped doing it already. Everyone needs some time on their own. I want to be happy because she's happy. But how can I be happy knowing I'm not the one making her smile?
Whenever I think I'm standing strong, she somehow manage to pull me back down. Nothing hurts more than realising she meant everything to me, but I meant nothing to her. My mates told me to go out and have fun. Find a rebound girl or another person to replace her. Call me naive or conservative or call me anything you want but I just can't bring myself to do that. Its unfair to treat innocent women in that manner as if they were emotionless beings just to feed my own selfish gains. In the first place, they were not the reason why I'm stuck in this predicament. I do believe in karma. Do not do onto others as you would not have others do onto you. Then again, another mate of mine asked me a question that really made some sense. "What did I do to deserve what I've gotten from my previous 2 relationships?". Well I guess its true when they say "Good guys finish last" cos I'm the living example that good guys DO finish last.
Whenever I see couples on the street doing PDAs, holding hands or just messing around, the situation spurred me to reminisce our days together and I start imagining how things might have been if I didn't fall from grace on that fateful day. I always pray at that moment and ask God if only I can be like that. The touch and the hold of her hands are as if the spaces between my fingers were created so that she could fill them in or the touch of her lips sends me into an endless bliss or the stare from her eyes, loses me in innumerable memories, thus forgetting the world behind me or her smile which is like a sunshine to my soul. Kisses without her hugs or her hugs without kisses are like flowers without the fragrance.
I'm here without her but she's still on my lonely mind. I think about her and I dream about her all the time. I miss her a little, I guess you could say, a little too much, a little too often, and a little more each day. I've tried so hard to tell myself that she's gone but she still has all of me.
The hardest thing in life isn't finding the one you love, its making the one you you back


Blogger gwen said...

i just happened to come across your blog. i guess i can relate to how youre feeling. i was in a similiar situation earlier this year. just that it was the other way around. it leaves a bitter after taste but it'll eventually fade away with time.

11:46 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

what do you mean the other way around?were you on the giving end or on the receiving end just like me?Please share more of your experience with me. I really would like to know more so that I can learn how to deal with the dilemma I'm currently in.

8:31 PM  
Blogger gwen said...

reading your blog makes me feel like im reading my ex's thoughts. i felt suffocated by him. i had to let go. but lately ive realized that no one would ever love me the way he did. it took me six months to realise this but its all too late. but theres no point holding onto the past. cake's i will survive should do you some good.

12:05 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

If you think I'm a control freak, you'll be surprise that she did most of the controlling. Since she broke up, I never really keep in touch with her. I know for a fact that she wants her space so I rarely talk to her. I also realise that I'll hurt myself and also distant her away from me if I keep on pressuring her. Since the first time until now, everything I did was because of her. She wanted things her way and I've always given in to her ways eventhough I knew its gonna hurt me. I had one posting on the most recent incident. Until today, I still don't know the real reason why she pulled the plug on me.

2:42 AM  
Blogger ej. said...

seeeeee listen to sugwen!!! FORGET ABOUT HER!!!!!!!!!! hahahahah the only reason why you are feeling so hurt is cause she keeps rejecting you.. and no one likes rejection.. trust me, i've been there... the minute she showed me some signs of interest, i lost interest... (this is not an isolated incident.. happens to everyone man..)

7:20 AM  
Blogger gwen said...

its good to know you still believe in a love thats pure. you made me realise something. all this while i was looking for a substitution for my ex. hoping to find that special connection that i once had but when i realise its not gonna happen, i withdraw further back into my shell. and now im incapable of love. dont ever let that happen to you. it may be irreversible.

12:01 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Johnnywebcam: I'm just sick and tired of thinking to much and its already taken a toll on my physical body and mind. I'm leaving everything to fate. If things were meant to be, then we'll end up together again. If not, I'm pretty much sure that God has designated some one for me and she might be out there just waiting for me to come into her life.

Deviant: Yes almighty great leader. Your humble servant is at your disposal. What is command?HHAHHAHA....on a more serious note, thanks for everything bro. I know you mean well and the words you said really sank into my head. Just wish that you were back to physically slap some sense into me. That'll be more effective.HAHAHAHAHHA....

sugwen: I was once upon a time like you after I broke up with my ex before the current one. I was exactly like you as a matter of fact. I never knew how to love another person till I met her. That's what made her so special to me compared to the rest. She taught me how to love again. It could happen to you. When that special someone comes along in your life, believe me, it'll be magical. Cheer up and don't lose hope ok?I'll be backing you up all the way ;-)

6:21 PM  
Blogger Amazing Grace said...

what's PDAs?

9:08 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Amazing: PDA = Public Display of Affection

8:08 AM  

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