Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A manipulative whore she is

Women are bestowed with ignoble traits: hysteria, duplicitousness, manipulation, cunning. Female aggressive strategies are never valorous, for they are by necessity underhanded, and partly because of that, they run completely counter to the way women want to view themselves

That low life mother fucking manipulative hoe!!When she wants something from me or want to tell me something good that happened to her or ask me something, she would be at her best behaviour and whenever I try to start a dialogue, she just gives me the cold shoulder. We spoke last night on MSN. She messeged me to tell me and ask me somethings. Then we started having a casual conversation. I got quite comfortable and I started to joke with her in a friendly way*. She got offended by it. What the fuck?Being the idiot I was, I apologised. After a while, our conversation got quite heated. I apologised a few times until I just couldn't take it. I told her off "Look here..given the position I'm in now, I'm already trying very hard to be your friend. Its even harder if you are not giving me a chance to be your friend". Straight away she said "I don't know how to answer you....I'm tired and I want to sleep now...ttyl". Sometimes I feel that she used me all along. When she went over to Australia, she didn't have any close friends. She CLAIMED that she loved me and she assured me that I'm not a rebound for her former. Well, she got me into thinking that she actually did loved me. She had me as someone to fall back on in Australia while all her close friends are back in Malaysia. She led me into thinking that everything was perfect and smooth sailing. Or so I've been manipulated into thinking, until we came back to Malaysia. Finally she's back with her friends and found that there was no need for me anymore.
*NOTE: I did not touch on subjects related to our past affiliation.

As men, our brains are designed to spend our time figuring out how to get objects in the environment to do our bidding. On the other hand, women's brains are designed to spend their time figuring out how to get MEN to do their bidding. Men manipulate the environment. Women manipulate men. This is why men devote so much of their time to fiddling around with gadgets, solving problems and playing games, whereas women spend much of their time and money altering the way that they look and chatting about their social current affairs. This is, of course, a sweeping generalisation. But from my own experience and observations, it is a pretty good one!

Most men would be staggered if they understood the lengths to which women normally go in order to manipulate them. But we as men, seem to be completely oblivious to it. The reason is that men are just not operating in the same realm. For example, explains why women are apt to get so uptight and make false accusations against men (e.g. 'date rape') when the relationship does not go according to their plan the following day. They see such a thing as a 'failure to manipulate the man successfully' and this goes right to the very core of their egos. Whereas the men involved in such situations were usually not thinking about relationships at all!

It is surely worth pointing out that if women are the primary arbiters of what men may be permitted to laugh about, then they surely perform the very same function when it comes to what men may be permitted to cry about and if women are, indeed, the determiners of what society cries about, then this means that they also determine what people should be concerned about, which means that they exert a great deal of control over what actually takes place in society. What we have seen over the past century is that women not only exerting their huge psychological power in order to bend society to their will but also colluding with both government and business to exert an even greater force. Both collectively and individually, women are not the hapless victims that they so often portray themselves to be. From my point of view, it is men who are and have been mostly in need of liberating from 'oppression'; not women

Moral of the story: Women ought to be taught a lesson. Either you take them down or you get taken down.

P/S: I don't mean to cause an uproar among the good women out there. Don't get me wrong for I'm not a male chauvinist pig. This posting like I've mentioned, is just a sweeping generalization. This posting is actually aimed at women of this kind and we know who they are. For all the good women that I've offended with this posting, I apologise sincerely.


Blogger benalog said...

arr, CheKit, hehe, dats kinda sad, but the truth is there. there are females behavin like this. some of them may not realize this is actually wrong due to their upbringing and maybe all her friends are like that. they may just dismiss the whole situation as the norm.

i do find many local Malaysian girls, then to be a little manipulative, not only based on my experience but also my observation of other couples. its not totally wrong for them to behave this way.

when one is in love, esp men, we tend to think about the future ALOT. one could entertain these thoughts but pls do not dwell in them for. some fallacies are ok to play with, others, in this case involving alot of emotional stress have to be nullified to prevent from being burnt.

maybe your ex is still not mature enough to gauge and value the relationship. it maybe the other way around, she may think that you are not mature enough to ride out the storm. so much so, one have to carry on and make new lives and not hanging on to the past.

manipulation is the easiest form of deceit. they place the bait, we take em. thats how it works. its a transaction between 2 individual consenting to some form of T&C. but i do beg to differ on your generalization. men do manipulate, esp those bestowed with higer powers, such as a CEO/ Director, men of high rank. Even in relationships. Have one ever wondered how pimps get to pimp on girls? Via manipulation. " You want this, you do this. Dont want? I beat the hell outta you". This can be considered as physical manipulation. Mental manipulation is the greatest of all. Iam not glorifying pimps, but as a guy, one have to give it to them on this sort of manipulation.

They use love. And these girls are not actually fools. They are not robots. They know these men are bad, pimps, but still they do it. Why? Their hearts and minds has been infiltrated thus manipulation occurs to get the better of them. So, it happens on both realm.

Anyway, dont worry, you do not need to fuck a wall...toceng la...apa susah sangat?

By the way, we know alot of our friends are more chauvinistic, still they getting pussy whut. Ouright blatant comments to their face..."Women Have No Right, Women Are Animals" depends la, some of these girls will just laugh it off and treat it as a joke or call em IDIOTS to be saying such things. Some take things to seriously, escalation happens and "one moment you have the most beautiful girl in the world, the next momnet, you dont even have a gf at all". I say, fuck dat bitch and get a new one, this time, be yourself as you are, dont try to go all out and change yourself to please her. Its your life, until the day marriage ( not so soon la) is in the picture, men are in no obligation to change. You can accomodate but under no circumstances men should twist their whole lifestyle around to display your affection and love.

10:05 AM  
Blogger ej. said...

"Anyway, dont worry, you do not need to fuck a wall...toceng la...apa susah sangat?"!!!!!



I'm trying my best to study here okay.. aHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!! can't tahan wei u'r comments fuckin hilarious.. u know what? i think we all should bring james out for a lesson in picking up women.. this fucker being duped by an unworthy hoe, who's really not all that to begin with.....

best advice if you wish to take it: GET A JOB!!! GET MONEY!!! GET LAID!!! .......simple ain't it?

10:37 PM  
Blogger benalog said...

haha...dats what we're trying to do la..instead of him staying at home, i hassle him to go Kum-san for lunch, hassle him to come out and go Allenkor's house to watch tv and in turn he was a champion last nite. Only had 2 hours of sleep. Then out hunting with Allenkor at Liquid. Haha..

And cure him of his insomniac.

Thats the way to go Jamesey...wahahaha...

6:16 AM  
Blogger Amazing Grace said...

I told you before right? to get a JOB, get the MONEY and all woman would come to you and your ex will regret. It's not that I'm not helping woman. But that's the way it is. Cheers!

10:01 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

gapi phatty: Like I've said, its just a generalization. I have no doubts that there are good women out there and I reckon u're one of them ;-) so don't get me wrong at all

Benalog: VERY WELL SAID AND EXPLAINED....kudos Ben!!Last night damn fighter mouse man...smoked up then go free flow..let's not talk bout it la Ben...last night was quite a disaster...too many guys and not enough chicks

Deviant: I am looking for a job..I might be Niz's colleague!Applied for a job at her firm and a few...I just can't take it anymore. Sitting at home and feeling sorry for my ass just don't quite cut it.

Amazing: you're right la...I hate to admit it but even the nicest girl around is at least a little bit materialistic. I mean who isn't!I bet you are also like that right? ;-)

5:16 PM  
Blogger Amazing Grace said...

I know all of us r materialistic in a way. But, if a guy have a job, it means that he has future! it means that this guy is ambitious! That's why when a guy has a job, it attracts the women, coz it gives women the security! It's not about money entirely! LOL

11:54 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Amazing: I know where you're heading with this. You're just aiming this at me right?LOL. In case you didn't know, ambitious is my middle name.

4:26 PM  

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