Friday, October 21, 2005

To forgive, DIVINE

The relationship went bad for all sorts of reasons, not because you’re a screwup. Take responsibility for your part, and then let it go. You were many wonderful things to many people before you met her—don’t let this one event define who you are

Kieran, if you're reading this, all I have to say is sorry. Its not that I don't want to buy it for you. If things were under different circumstances I would jump on the first opportunity to buy it for you. I know you would understand if I told you what happen but the reason why I didn't is because I don't want you to treat her differently because she's no longer the person whom I can call of my own. All along, she's been known to you as my girlfriend. This goes out to the rest of you out there who knows her as my girlfriend. Please don't look at her differently just because she's no longer mine. Please don't look at her with prejudice because of what she did to me. Please don't look at her with a bad impression because of the sudden change in behaviour. Please don't resent her because she's being cruel and cold towards me. She has a name and she is a terrestrial being with her own distinct behaviour and personality. It is not her fault that things have to happen this way. I don't blame her and neither should any of you.

Men Are Assholes. How many times have we heard that line before from women?Countless I presume. Since we've been separated, my circle of friends have been trying to change my preception in relationships. These guys are your typical players and they are good at it. Believe me. Their theories?sleep around with as many women as you can without any strings attacted or get a rebound girl or just get a replacement. Basically what they're trying to achieve is to turn me into your stereotypical male asshole. Analysing their behaviour and perception further, I came to realise that they were once too a victim of this cruel game called love prior to what they have become at present. They vowed never to put themselves in that predicament and it changed their preception on life for good. When a girl hurts you, you go out and hurt another one for your own selfish gains because women are all the same. That's life. You have to be selfish when it comes to your own happiness. The quote "Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it's what you are expected to give — which is everything" is overrated. Only naive people would believe in such thing. Pure love is the thing of the past. They still do get involve in relationships but not on the serious note. Love is viewed as an investment. If the ROI (Return On Investment) is not on par with the expected projection, then just write it off as a bad investment. Retreat before further losses are incurred. Once the damage has been done, the receiving party would then inherit that mentality, waiting to be unleash on to their next pitiful victim. Food for thought:

According to Erin Pizzey, the very founder of the refuge movement for battered women, found that the women in her shelters were mostly more violent than the men they were supposed to be escaping from.

In conclusion, Love is a vicious cycle. Girl hurts boy and boy hurts girl*. That's how the world works whether we like it or not. As for me, that was just a theory;an assumption. My mate said women eat men like me for breakfast.Call me old fashion or conservative but I still hold strongly to my beliefs and values that love can be pure if you want it to be, provided if you're willing to take the chance to risk it all with the chance of getting hurt deeply. I was raised to be empathetic. Eventhough I've lost her for good, I've never regretted what I've done for her and given her. The choice is yours to decide. You can choose to take love as an investment or to take it purely.

*note: Not in any particular order. It could happen either way

News of Datin Seri Endon Mahmood's sudden death at the break of dawn shocked the nation, with Malaysians from all walks of life mourning the loss of the premier's wife. Reflecting the atmosphere of grief and sorrow, the weather in the Klang Valley also greeted the day with gloom. Strangely, in some way, jealousy and envy loomed over me. The thoughts that came into my head that followed were quite disturbing. I was thinking to myself, why can't it happen to me instead of her?she's looked so peaceful at rest. If I had the chance, I would take the opportunity to switch places with her. Without a doubt I'll do it. I just want peace and serenity in my heart


Blogger supa_jock said...

DUDE....I would be lying if I said NO

4:48 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Until now, I've done everything beyond my means to get her back but it seems like my effort has been in vein.

5:17 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

EVERYTHING except attempting to take my own life. That's just too shallow and not worthy.

5:19 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

well, from the current way she acts and treats me , I get signals indicating that she doesn't feel the same as I do. But to tell you the truth, I really don't know how she feels or what's lurking in her mind. She's one girl who can really keep everything to herself. She doesn't like to share much. The more I try the more it seems like she's trying to distant herself from me. I've tried doing things for her and not just expressing it through words.

5:42 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

I know exactly what you mean. I've seen people like that. All they do is practically nothing besides dwelling in their own pool of sorrows watching every golden opportunity to turn things around pass them by and I don't want to be like that. I've tried almost everything I can think of...through my actions, expressions, thoughts, gestures and words. Sun Tzu art of war?hhhmmm that sounds interesting...mayb you have a point...I'm seriously taking it into consideration

4:30 PM  
Blogger gwen said...

i read some of your earlier posts. youre still in aust?

10:03 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Sugwen: I was in Australia but I came back for good bout 3 months ago. I had the chance to get my PR but I gave it up. If you had read my earlier postings, you would understand why I did it.

5:33 AM  

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