Sunday, November 06, 2005

Behind the shadows

A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen

What a way to cap things off. A badly sprained ankle that still hurts like hell coupled with a flu and sore throat that makes my body feel like crap. Nevertheless, it didn't deter me from having a great week and it'll definitely won't deter me from having a great weekend. But I guess I've only got a ticket that's only valid for this week. Once the festive season is over, I'm back to prison shit hole. I'm dreading to see the light of day for the whole of next week. Everyone will be working and will have no time for me again. Why can't I have friends who're not working?Anyone out there who's not working yet?Any takers?

I have a close mate whom shall remain anonymous, dated a lot of girls and would strike everyone as a player. He has other girls on the side but deep down inside, his heart is only for one girl whom he dated once a long time ago during his high school days and this girl shall remain anonymous as well. Last Friday night, an unexpected event unfolded. We went to catch a movie at GSC in 1Utama and we bumped into her with another guy!I could see it in his eyes that he was filled with disappointment and other feelings that I couldn't translate. Then he started asking questions like what do we think of him and things like that. It just gives me the impression that he was somewhat projecting a little bit of jealousy. It felt like he was going through a silent depression the whole night. In a separate situation, another close mate of mine whom is ranked under the same person mentioned above, is going through this phase as well. About one and a half years ago, he broke off with his girlfriend for 4 years. They were actually planning on getting married. He thought that this girl was the one so he resented all his partying ways and his wild habits to choose a more domesticated lifesytle. He met this girl who hails from France whilst as a student in the UK. Upon graduation, he came back to Malaysia with her to settle down. At one stage, things were going so well for them. They were living on their own, planning to buy a house together, planning for their wedding and many more. An unexpected turn of event took place and everything that they've planned for disappeared into thin air. He moved back to his parent's place while she moved into an apartment provided by the company she was working for. He was literally left in the dark with no answers and no reasons while she left to France for good. She didn't even give him a chance to say goodbye. Poor soul. After that incident, things were never the same for him again.

From what I've gathered, they might look tough from the outside but from the inside, they're just as vulnerable as I am. No doubt they're my close mates and seeing them this way isn't something to be desired. I can understand the angle from which they're coming from as I myself am experiencing what they're going through and its not a pleseant feeling. I try my very best just to be tough when I'm out there and given the current group of friends that I hang out with, they do make things easier for me. For that, I really thank God for I've been blessed with such friends. AMEN to that!


Blogger gwen said...

its always great to have friends that will always be there no matter what.
hope you recover from your sprained ankle soon.
try not to party too hard.
oh right. im not working :P

8:38 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

It is really. My friends actually do understand my situation and the things that I'm going through. And since they understand, things are much easier when I'm around them. AHAHAHAH at the moment, looks like I have to lay off partying for a while till I recuperate. You're aren't working yet but you've got exams!AHAHAHAHHAHA

4:54 PM  
Blogger gwen said...

unfortunately you will have to do that for the time being.
screw the exams...hahaha

1:04 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

I can't take it anymore. 1 whole day at home is bad enough. To stay home another day is just pure torture. I need to get out of the house!Thankfully I'm feeling slightly better now so that means I can go out!wwwoohhooo!

4:57 PM  
Blogger benalog said...

ah we catch up on kumsan's fav dishes ok?

6:14 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

sounds like a great idea. Feeling much better already but I think last night no good. Had some vodka in my friend's place =P so now feeling a little bit crappy

1:45 PM  

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