Friday, November 11, 2005

Matrimony personified in prose

If you love WOMEN and if you get married, then you just love WOMAN. I'm scared of getting that disease when you get married?onegina?I don't want to get stuck with onegina for the rest of my life.

I received another wedding invitation today. Apparently it was from one of my old housemate from Australia whom I've never kept in contact for the past 4 years. This is the second wedding invitation I received within a month. Then it really hit me. Peers of my age group are getting married and they're taking their lives to the next level. With marriage, comes great responsibility and commitment and most importantly, financial stability. I don't think I have the enough minerals to do just that. Being married and starting a family requires a totally different mindset or drive or perception to life which includes taking your maturity to the next level. Being married means that you're accountable for your family regardless of whatever decisions you make or take. You have to be the leader and the provider. The decisions and choices that you are forced to make and take, are even more crucial than those of a CEO of a multi billion dollar organization making important business decision.

Official census shows that Malaysians nowadays are getting married between the age of early 30s to mid 30s which is much later than the generations of our parents and the generation before them. If the census are accurate, then why are there so many people below that age bracket getting married?My judgement is not only based on the amount of invitations I get but rather the invitations my parents get, my friends get, the friends of my friends get and the list goes on.

Do we conform to pressure inflicted by society especially with our aunties and uncles at weddings telling us and our parents phrases like "when is your son's/daughter's turn?he/she is not young anymore" and they would proceed in telling you the age your grandparents got married? They were smart in doing the comparison but being obsolete fossilized imbeciles that they are, they are not keeping abreast with the tide of time. So what if we're not married?if they don't like it, then they can take it and shove it up their asses. First of all, the majority will eventually get married when they feel the time is right. We are NOT OBLIGED to get married as told. But then again, that's not the case for a lot of people out there as they perceive marriage as an obligation. The reason: Their biological clock is ticking.

The whole marriage thing is just so cliche. Everybody is expected to get married. People get married because their parents did it, their friends did it, their relatives did it and so on. The bottomline is that people get married because everyone else is doing it. If fate decides that marriage is just not my niche in life then I'll just have to accept the fact without any complaints. I wouldn't give a rat's ass even if I'm doom to live a life of celibacy. Besides, my family has been avid practitioners of celibacy. Out of 3 sisters, my mom is the only child in her family to get married. Therefore its not a new uncharted territory for me. Heck!From the rate my sister is going, she's very well on her way to join the celibacy club along with my two aunties. I might be one of them as well. Nothing is certain in life.


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