Saturday, November 19, 2005

Singles mingles

Being single is pretty good. It's a nice sense of irresponsibility.

Haven't been updating my blog recently. Guess I was just too caught up with life of a single. I'm starting to think "hey! Being single is actually not that bad after all. It actually feels good to be single". I'm starting to enjoy singlehood and I don’t mind being single. Being single provides a certain freedom, independence, ample time to concentrate on personal growth, and eerrmm...did I mention freedom?Its like a life with no bars hold. I do whatever I like and whenever I like without having to worry bout the other person or answer to anyone but myself.

When I was still enduring the wars, a lot of things concerning her constantly hover in my mind. I always wonder what she's doing, whether she has eaten or not, did she get home safely from where ever she was and so on. Nowadays, its no more about the "WE" or "SHE" but more of the "I"; what shall I do today or where shall I go today or what shall I eat today?Nowadays, I noticed that I've been more out going and gregarious since I was free from her clutches. As a matter of fact, I haven't been holding back like I use to when I was with her and that feeling of freedom is just overwhelming. After all that's been said, I would be lying if I said I didn't miss her at all. In fact I miss her heaps but at the same time, I'm enjoying every minute of my single life.

I finally got my act together and started moving on with my life. I've applied for a few jobs and got replies. I've had an interview today with this advertising agency which is reknown for what it does in its industry. The interview went pretty well but when everything looked so certain, the manager had to burst my bubble by telling me that there was no vacancy at the moment as they're only planning to hire next year. I was flabbergasted. I mean what the fuck?In the first place, if there wasn't any position available, why fix an interview with me?So that I can add some autonomy to their sorry ass dead end boring job?I was quite annoyed. Felt that I wasted my time and effort. Nonetheless, all is not lost as I've got another interviewed set up next Wednesday with this IT company with MSC status. Actually the secretary called me up today to postpone the interview to the following Friday. For the first time in my life, I'm actually looking forward to venture out in the working world and I'm literally smiling bout it despite facing my first ever so-called rejection.

I like being single. I'm always there when I need me.


Blogger ej. said...

dude, that is fuckin retarded!!!! how can they make you go in for an interview and then tell you that they are only hiring next year?!?!?! BULLSHIT!!! maybe they already found a person and the idiot manager didn't know how to tell you to come back next year.. hahahahhaha.. bodoh punya malaysia

6:10 AM  
Blogger gwen said...

being single is nice and all but at the end of the day i would still want to have a special someone that would always be there for me no matter what.

6:51 PM  
Blogger ej. said...

sugwen: are you single? maybe you and james can hook up! be the first of my friends to actually hook up over blogs!!! ehhehehe... cheers...

3:30 AM  
Blogger benalog said...

congrats to james! haha, free from the clutches of evil and depression.

deviant: hahahaha, loon ar loon, i was thinkin bout the same thing too for chekitek. haha..

1:33 PM  
Blogger arboon! said...

ahhhh...the power of the internet...

1:59 PM  
Blogger gwen said...

im already taken =)

2:51 PM  
Blogger YC said...


10:43 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

OMG!I've only been gone for a few days due to the fact that my modem died on me. I come back to see all these slanders made against me?

Deviant: yeah bro!It was damn fucked up. Niz is working there though but she reckons that the head of that particular department is an asswipe.

Sugwen: I guess it all boils down to personal preference. For me, if it happens it happens. If it doesn't, then be happy for what its worth. I was actually single for 3 years before I had this one. In that 3 year span, I can say I enjoyed my uni life to the max. A partner would have only hold me back.

Benalog: I'm never free from the clutches of evil as long as that evil goes by the name of Han Ben Low. MUHAHAHAH

Arboon: EXACTLY!The power of Internet. Was without it for a few days and it was pure torture. aahhh Internet, glorious Internet!

YC: hhmmmm...that yay!! seems sSsOoOo suspicious. *stare while squinching right eye*

OMFG...I just noticed that all of you are attached EXCEPT for me!!*grin* sssuuccckkkerrrs!nyek nyek nyek

2:50 AM  

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