Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The streak continues: part 2

Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember it didn't work for the rabbit.

Had been extremely busy last week. Attended interviews and finally accepted this job on Monday. The terms and conditions of employment wasn't that bad actually. The only slack part is that the HQ is based in Cyberjaya!This were the responses I received when I told my mates that I accepted a position as an "Assistant Business Development Manager"

  • "Finally!It's bout time!"
  • "Finally got off your fat arse huh"
  • "JEE GID DEK(my latest nickname)!What? you're working??"
I started my first day of work today, as of 29th November 2005. It wasn't that bad considering I had a lot of catching up and preparation to do. I had to study profiles of my company, my customers and my potential customers. At the same time I was also trying to familiarize myself with the company workflow systems.

My weekend was rather quite interesting. One of my childhood girl friend who's like a lil sis to me (I knew her since she was a little girl), came back from Australia so decided to take her out clubbing. Decided to do it because she recently broke up with her BF and the fact that she's as heartbroken as I am. And what better medicine fitting for heartbroken terrestrials than partying your night away along with your tears?Sounded good to her so we decided to head down to Poppi/Passion. I made some arrangements to meet my other friends there as well. When you reach my age, you tend to assume that ALL your peers and ALL your friends are of legal age to enter clubs. Wrong thing to do!When we reached there, she REMINDED me again that she was 2 months sort of her 21st b'day and that sort of like triggered some kind of realization which I can't explain. But then we decided to test our luck. Since I was a black star, our luck wasn't that good, needless to say, even with some tactical persuasion and negotiation. We ended up in Terrace Bar to have drinks there and then to Loft, Zouk. My friends started calling me, asking where where I was. I did meet up with them EVENTUALLY but at bout 2.00AM and the club closes at 3AM. I had to explain myself and I also did relate this scenario to my other friends that I couldn't go in due to the fact that I was with an "underaged" girl, these were the top 3 response:

  1. Pimpin them young aye?
  2. Sensi Driver is a SISTER SLAMMER!
  3. That one your chick ar? -_-'

The spotlight of my week (eventhough its a Tuesday)
My bad luck streak continued but this time it boiled over to extreme levels and here's how the story went.....
My new car came last Sunday *wwoohhooo*. Today, as mentioned above, was my first day at work AND my first day driving my dashing new car on a full scale. Everything was going smoothly until when I was on my way back from work. I was on the middle lane of LDP (slightly before the Kelana Jaya LRT station) heading towards Damansara Jaya when I noticed this motorcycle driven by this machan, sped in front of me, then slowed down and hogged the whole lane as if the road was his father's. I couldn't over take him as there were a lot of cars on both opposite lanes since it was peak hour for traffic jam. I was cursing all the way!What the fuck was he trying to do?He kept looking back so I roughly could guess something must have happened behind. Then suddenly, on the right lane, I noticed this white colour kancil drove past me and the machan on the motorcycle approached the car (mind you people, traffic was moving and wasn't on a standstill) at a distance and started cursing and shouting (complimented by hand actions). What unfolded next was the "champion". The white kancil actually swirled into my lane, thus hitting the machan in front of me! The best part is that it was done on purpose! He lost his balance and fell in the middle of the road....RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I slammed the breaks as hard as I could. My tires started screeching and before I knew it, my car came to a complete halt. I was a little bit disoriented from the fear of running over the machan. After recovery, I realised that his motorcycle was under my car (luckily only my car front skirting) while he was lying on the road. If that wasn't enough, the car was parked horizontally, thus blocking 2 lanes of heavy traffic. To my horror, a malay OFFICE LADY (mind you all, she was dressed in white shirt with black pinstripe slack...she looked quite hot and appealing though...with a nice fit body I might add) came out of the car. She slammed her car door and started screwing the daylight out of the machan while he was lying on the road till he got up and picked up his motorcycle which was stuck under my car. The machan was not so man after all. He didn't say a word to her nor looked at her nor send any body language signals!he was literally emotionless. He looked as if he was scared of her. What happened next was beyond my knowledge as I fled the scene. Didn't want to get involve plus the fact I was late for an appointment. I didn't thought that the damage was that great as well. Nevertheless, while driving there, my front car axel started to sound when I take corners. Nevermind!After reaching my destination, I checked the extend of the damage to my car properly. My back bumper was scratched (I figured the car behind of me couldn't stop on time) but thankfully no cracks while one of the covers for the foglamp brackets on the skirting broke. The skirting was scratched as well.


If you thought that was the end of my day, think again. After getting home from a long day's work, I came home to this notice to collect a registered letter for me . Supposedly this letter was sent by post laju EXPRESS. The clock showed 9.35pm and the centre closes at 10pm. It seemed quite urgent so I rushed to the collection centre all the way in breakfields. My bearings around KL is pretty bad but luckily I brought along a navigator. Even then, we still got lost but eventually found the place at 9.50pm. I parked the car, got down and ran towards the centre across the road to collect the letter, anxiously anticipating whatever important news that awaits. After collection, I opened the letter...



Blogger YC said...

Congrats on your new job, craddle snatcher. Deepest condolences bt the mini-accident. Look at the bright side, at least you've a new car. I'm driving a piece of junk that doesn't lock and when it does, it doesn't open.

3:24 PM  
Blogger benalog said...

ah tek, haha...allenkor tole me abt ur accident..fuckin rempit mackers, deserved it!

6:16 PM  
Blogger arboon! said...

so...what event was it?!?!

10:00 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

YC: thanks thanks!congrats on your new job as well -_-' regarding that cradle snatcher topic, Looney and arboon must have been feeding you poison ESP looney. Instigator no.1 HAHAHHHAHAHA. To be frank, I would like to trade places with you. I rather be driving an old junk rather than to be paying for downpayment, installments, insurances, road tax, as of yesterday repairs, etc etc. Furthermore, with my miserable pay, I'm already barely making ends meet, let alone being commited to financing a car. Unfortunately, my profession requires me to own a car.

Benalog: Moral of the story?Never underestimate women drivers. After witnessing the fury of them women drivers, I've concluded that women drivers are no easy meat especially after office hours. We'll never know what's lurking in their minds. 2nd moral of the story?Mat rempets are not as tough as we thought after all. So by all means, teach them a lesson if you must.

Arboon: it was some invitation for some VSOP hennessy discover event. and the venue of choice?of all places, it has to be orange. Whatever it is, my face will be the last thing you'll see in that party....even never!total boycott!

2:58 AM  
Blogger YC said...

That's the whole reason why I chose to drive a piece of junk rather than to finance a car. I don't want to be paying through my nose. I was calculating my pay after deducting EPF & taxes, food, petrol, minimum shopping & bills in 7 years time I should be able to save enough to quit my job and live in Spain for 3 months.

Welcome to the REAL world!

10:52 AM  
Blogger ej. said...

AHAHHAHAHahahhaha!!!!! CRADDLE SNATCHER!!!! I NEVER SAID ANYTHING OKAY!!!!!! HAhahahahahah omg.. derek's sister.. we used to tease her and not let her come play with us at the field.. and now u'r slamming her........ if i were derek i would kill you!!!!

don't you agree YC?? hehehehehe

11:52 AM  
Blogger YC said...

I have no idea who is derek and who is the sis. But hey, ur friends' sisters r meant for slamming. Being a sister myself, that's all I could say.

looney, somehow i'm curious why is the question directed to me? *Ahem*

2:57 AM  
Blogger arboon! said...

loon: tease her and not let her come play with u guys?!?! what u guys playing la?!?! wahahahaha...

jock: oi cradle snatcher, i didnt say a thing... hell i wasn't even there at passion... u spilled ur own beans, dude... so what if she's underage?!?! age is just a number... wahahahahaha... KILL KILL KILL!!!

yc: 7 years of slaving and u save just enough for 3 months in spain?! i think after 7 years, i'd have even more commitments i wont have a savings.

11:27 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

YC: well well!we have something in common!my brother and I made a pact that before we turn 30, we must pack our bags and leave for Italy. Stay there bout a year to learn to cook all the different kinds of Italian cuisines from northern to southern Italy while working odd jobs to sustain our passion for Italian cuisines. What constitute REALness is actually very objective. What is REAL is what we make it to be. That's why its called REALity.

Deviant: Don't that just bring our childhood days?!?!we've been through a lot together huh?remember the time when you had to come with my bro and my mom to the ..... <--*sshhh secret*??It wasn't your fault. It was Ronson Ho!HAHAHHAAH..yeah I remembered that she always wanted to join us in the padang but we would never allow her to. Dude!you make me sound so like Joe Dirt "I'm your sister!I'm your sister! *while slamming her*". *gross*

YC: yeah looney..why is that question directed to her?fill me in!pls decorate my colourless and dramaless life!Derek and his sis use to be me and loon's childhood friends. The only reason I would bang a friend's(sort of a friend) sis is when I really hate that dude and just wanna get back at him or her. Imagine telling him or her this "Guess what?I FUCKED your sis!good one" hated friend's face = furious = priceless.

Arboon: dude!age DOES matter. At least in the eyes of the law. Heard of statutory rape?

P/S: slamming a 20 year old(2 months short of 21 mind you) doesn't classify a person as a cradle snatcher

2:01 AM  
Blogger arboon! said...

statutory rape?! at 20?! oh puhhhleazzzz...

11:11 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

exactly dude. Just stressing out my point that age DOES matter.

1:35 PM  
Blogger YC said...

sister slammer.

1:11 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

YC:If that's the case, you better keep your sister/s away from me! MUAHAHAHHA *RrrRooOoAaaArRrrR* sister slammin beast on the lose and on the prowl

3:18 AM  
Blogger YC said...

:P My sis is 28 & engaged. Slam her by all means. Or would you like to be a brother slammer instead? He's 6ft and muscular.

7:32 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Thanks for bursting my bubble -_-' oh well...if I can't be a your sister slammer, there's always a chance of being a toy boy since your sis is 28!I live by the principle, "as long as they're not married, I still stand a chance!" MUAHHAHAHAHHA...sorry to inform you that I don't take it up the batty nor do it up the batty. Looks like your bro have to cari makan some where else..HAHAHAHAHA

11:49 PM  
Blogger Amazing Grace said...

I knew you are a spannar!!!

11:39 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

woi woi!!A spanar is always better than a scandalous girl by the name of amazing DISGrace

2:54 PM  

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