Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Weekend renderings

Most of us regard good luck as our right, and bad luck as a betrayal of that right.

I need a change in luck! This streak of bad luck has been on me for way too long. Over the weekend, my Internet modem and my Astro got struck by lightning. The nights were extra lonely and boring for me as I was deprived of modern technology that has so far been a revelation to my life. If that wasn't enough, I contracted the fucking flu bug AGAIN!I actually recovered from it 2 weeks ago. My nose is dripping like a running tap and my throat just wouldn't stop itching, thus causing me to cough vigorously and now, plus a fucking irritating hiccup that just won't go away. The last time I had a bad hiccup, it continued for 3 straight days. I couldn't even sleep because of it! Anyway, I couldn't wait for my replacement modem to come so decided to buy another one. Here is a recap of my "sort of" meaningful weekend.

On Saturday night, I attended one of my close girlfriend's wedding. It was good catching up with some of them whom I haven't seen in ages. We use to be such a close knitted group during our uni days. It was good seeing them especially one of my girlfriends whom I met there in Perth but hails from Indonesia and currently in China. She came down purposely just to attend this wedding. Our conversation took a turn to the relationship topic. They asked me bout my ex and I told them that I broke up. Guess this is the time of the year whereby relationships are broken. But the whole irony of it all is that 3(plus another girlfriend of mine who also recently broke off with her ex) of us were sitting together on the same table, attending a wedding. The food was good and the alcohol was poured by abundance. I was quite drunk before I left the place. I drank more than I ate. Signs of alcoholism coming back to haunt me?Let's hope not.

After the wedding, I proceeded to another friend's b'day event at chynna bar, making a few stops before actually reaching there. I had to pick up a few mates along the way before we rendezvous with the rest of the tribe. More drinks there!*ting* *ting* second round of alcoholism. One of my mate whom I shall decline revealing his identity due to the fact that most of my readers know him, was hitting on this girl who introduced herself as "Apple". My other mates and I were practically laughing our heads off to her name! Behind her back of course. To top it all up, she offered me *drum roll*

I just couldn't stop laughing after that. Well, he did manage to get her number by the end of the night but frankly speaking, he can do better than that. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he was under the influence of alcohol. Overall, the night was good. Almost everyone was drunk. Kudos to Kimmy for such an awesome party!

On my way back, I got stopped by the cops. The guy who stopp
ed me tried to make me bride him but I acted stupid by pretending not to get his hints. The breathalyzer indicated that my alcohol level was 50 and the limit is 80 but that S.O.B of a cop threatens me by saying that even though I was below the limit, he can take me back to the station and have a second test. He further threatened me by saying that the results can vary after a second test. Thank God I gave myself sometime to sober up before driving back. I was fucking tipsy but then again, I was sober enough to tell that it was fucking obvious that S.O.B was trying to get me to bribe him. He was giving me all his cock and bull stories that he came across people who were way above the limit but still can drive. On top of that, on his uniform, I noticed that he was wearing a "Saya anti-rasuah" badge (as shown below). How ironic was that? A corrupted cop supporting an anti-graft campaign. It’s such a refreshing thought knowing that these cops are assigned to roam our streets to keep us as citizens of this country safe.
*Note: I was being sarcastic on that last line. The Internet lacks the other communication elements such as body language, face expressions, voice intonation, etc etc. Hence, chances of misunderstanding might occur.


Blogger arboon! said...


do u actually need to keep ur friend's identity anonymous?!?! i think it's better to keep HER name anonymous instead.

and about the corrupted policeman, have u read today's paper?! there's an article about the police suing a student who complained to the Human Rights Organisation about a group of policemen that took bribe from her.

looks like it's a lose-lose situation to us all... sigh...

1:13 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said... were there that night so you don't count.

Yeah was quite fucked up. Then again, I feel that the cops weren't entirely wrong. I mean come on..driving a car with an expired road tax and without a “P” plate?She must be really fucking stupid. To think that she can get away with it is just plain stupid.

7:19 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

ahhahhahahaha...sort of like talked my way out la i guess

(towards the end of our "negotiation")
Police: boleh pandu balik keh?

me: boleh bang...masih steady

Police: Mr.Oh *hands me my driving license*, aku pernah tengok orang 100 lebih (refering to the alcohol level) tapi masih steady...boleh pandu balik

me: itu sudah melampau bang! Aku pemandu bertanggungjawab. Betul ni bang. Tak tipu

Police: betul keh?

Me: tak tipu bang

Police: ok la...jalan

wwoohhooo!got off the hook so this is how the story ended.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Amazing Grace said...

means you didn't bribe la is it? and he actually let u take the photo of his bloody badge? LOL

5:22 PM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

of course I didn't bribe!in the first place, I didn't break any law. I was pronounced legal to drive after blowing that damn breathalyzer. aiyoh my dear amazing Grace...that pic taken from The Star newspaper one leh

7:26 PM  
Blogger arboon! said...

pemandu bertanggungjawab?!?!



12:58 PM  
Blogger ej. said...

hahahhaha! i think if u actually took out a camera and took a photo of his badge, he'd knock u out! and arrest u'r semi-drunk ass! hehehaheah..

8:40 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

Arboon: Go tell it to that cop la!HAHAHHAHAAH...who cares...he BELIEVED me

Deviant: Don't want my old days to repeat itself huh? ;-)

Gapi: wa si ha mi ar?lu kong ha mi?wa eh hokkien bo steady leh...translator pls!wat is "bin per gao wei

3:43 AM  

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