Friday, December 09, 2005

Happy Hour: Food for my soul

The rhythm of the weekend, with its birth, its planned gaieties, and its announced end, followed the rhythm of life and was a substitute for it.

A blink of an eye and the weekend is already here. I never expect myself to be looking forward to the weekend with such enthusiasm. Maybe the weekend is the only time I can go all out without having the burden of waking up early for work over my shoulders. Things were so much different when I was working back in Australia last time. During then, the only thing I was looking forward everytime I get home from a long day from work was her face. But things are so much different now. My priority has changed especially when she's not longer part of my life anymore. My preception of the weekend currently is the time of the week where I feel I really earned the time to let all hell break loose which means drinking and getting drunk irresponsibly.

Furthermore with the long weekend coming up, (For those who were not informed, Monday is a public holiday) which means a longer weekend for me to party like there's no tomorrow ala Armageddon. Amen to that! I just hope I don't end up with a bunch of emo talkin or violent actin people when they get drunk which will eventually affect my mood especially when I'm under the influence. I rather have peers who would be in the "are you enjoy?" mood when they're under the influence.

As I'm writing this posting, my judgement is actually clouded from the generous amount of alcohol I had earlier on. Feeling rather tipsy now. For some fucked up reason, alcohol is like coffee for me. If I don't get fucking drunk, I'll be awake as an owl. In fact, I didn't want to join the rest of my mates for happy hour at first as I was very tired from work. Since its a Thursday (Friday 3am), the only question that's lingering in my head now is:

How the fuck am I going to wake up for work on time tomorrow?


Blogger ej. said...


drink for the purpose of gaining a deeper appreciation of the piss of gods... *BEER*

just pop a couple of caffeine pills in the morning.. and down a bucket of water.. either that or another can of beer! :D

4:34 AM  
Blogger supa_jock said...

HAHHAAHAH..think I'm gonna lay off alcohol for at least a week. My aging body cannot take as much beating as it use to. Oh well..there's always next weekend to repeat my whole "ordeal"

4:23 AM  

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